September 17: Monthly Virtual Picket Against the U.S. Blockade on Cuba
Friday, September 17, 2021
7pm Eastern / 4pm Pacific / 6pm Central / 8pm Atlantic

Featuring Speakers & Greetings from Across Canada and Around the World including:
>> IRMA GONZALEZ – Daughter of René Gonzalez Shewerert one of the Cuban Five Heroes held in U.S. jails (from 1998-2011). Irma, although very young, was actively engaged in the global campaign for the liberation of her dad and all 5 Cuban Heroes, speaking on tours across Canada, across Cuba, and around the world. Now that all 5 of our Cuban heroes are free, Irma divides her time in many ways including with her son, her family, her PhD and her two jobs as an audiovisual producer and therapist.
>> DAVID ALDAMA PANDO – Third Secretary of the Embassy of Cuba in Canada in charge of academic affairs and relations with Cuba solidarity groups in Canada. David Aldama has a bachelor’s degree in international Relations from the “Raúl Roa García” Higher Institute of International Relations (ISRI).
>> CAMILO TORRES – Member of the national executive of the Honduras Cuba Friendship Association, former president of the Siguatepeque branch, a militant and organizer since the second arrival of the Cuban medical brigades in Honduras in solidarity with those affected by Hurricane Mitch.
>> TREVOR BROWN – President of the Jamaica Cuba Friendship Association and the Jamaica Peace Council
>> A SPECIAL INTERVIEW from the Colombian Movement in Solidarity with Cuba (MCSC) with Jose Antonio Miranda and Tomas Benitez of the Cuban National Institute of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation – INDER
* PLUS VIDEOS FROM: Australia-Cuba Friendship Society WA, la Table de concertation et de solidarité Québec– Cuba, the Ukrainian Committee “Stop the blockade of Cuba”, Ottawa Cuba Connections & more!
* Along with Greetings from CNC member groups!
Event Co-Chairs:
>> TAMARA HANSEN – Executive member of the Canadian Network on Cuba, Coordinator of Vancouver Communities in Solidarity with Cuba (VCSC) & Author of “5 Decades of the Cuban Revolution: The Challenges of an Unwavering Leadership.”
>> JULIO FONSECA – Executive member of the Canadian Network on Cuba, President of the Juan Gualberto Gomez Association of Cuban Residents in Toronto.
*** Everyone is encouraged to make protest signs, display banners, or wear t-shirts against the blockade. These can be displayed in a group photo at the end of the virtual picket!
1) The program will begin with invited speakers and greetings.
2) In concluding the virtual picket, those who wish to participate in the photo will be invited by the co-chairs to turn on their cameras to join in! More specific instructions will be given by co-chairs during the virtual picket.
3) If you are unfamiliar with Zoom or require technical support, please contact:
*** Everyone is also encouraged to share photos with their signs, t-shirts and banners on social media #Cubavsbloqueo #UnBlockCuba #EliminaElBloqueo
On September 7, 2021 President Joe Biden extended the United States so-called “Trading with the Enemy Act” of 1917, one of the American statutes that grants legal support to their blockade against Cuba. This act imposes trade restrictions and economic sanctions against Cuba and has been renewed annually by the U.S. president since the 1960s.
Cuba’s Foreign Minister, Bruno Rodríguez, wrote a tweet in response, expressing, “The continued implementation against #Cuba of the archaic “Trading with the Enemy Act” of 1917 is intended to support suffocation policy against our people. Through its continuation, Pres Biden persists in ignoring overwhelming international call for the lifting of the blockade.” Indeed, less than two months ago on July 23, 2021 the United Nations General Assembly stood with Cuba as 184 countries voted in favor of an end to the cruel and unjust U.S. policy toward Cuba, only two countries – the U.S. and Israel voted against the resolution.
Join the Canadian Network on Cuba for the next monthly virtual picket as we continue our campaign to build pressure on the Biden administration to end the blockade on Cuba! These actions are a continuation of coordinated monthly protests against the U.S. blockade which have been taking place in Vancouver, Ottawa and Montreal, Canada and Kiev, Ukraine on the 17th of each month since 2015.
Lift the Blockade on Cuba Now!
** Please circulate this information to your friends and contacts. **
Organized by the Canadian Network on Cuba (CNC), a network of Cuba solidarity organizations across Canada promoting friendship and solidarity with Cuba and the Cuban people.