September 19 – Cuban and U.S. Voices Challenging Washington’s War on Cuba

Cuban and U.S. Voices Challenging Washington’s War on Cuba
Sunday Sept. 19 1pm PST | 4pm EST
Webinar featuring special guest speakers from Cuba
Register here:
Sponsored by: ANSWER Coalition, Bay Area Saving Lives Campaign, Cuba and Venezuela Solidarity Committee and Venceremos Brigade – Bay Area
Speakers include:
Pedro De La Hoz – Vice President of UNEAC, the Cuban Union of Writers and Artists, will speak on Cuba’s deepening process to combat racism, the ongoing work to resolve objective and subjective conditions of inequality, and the overwhelming urgency to end the U.S. blockade
Abel Prieto, President of Casa de las Américas, former Minister of Culture will speak on U.S. cultural war and subversion against Cuba
Soffiyah Elijah – As an attorney has studied Cuba’s criminal justice systems for three decades and has interviewed hundreds of Cubans on these issues: lay people, lawyers, judges, professors, government representatives and formerly incarcerated people and their family members. Will speak on the increased sanctions on Cuba based on its prison conditions being U.S. hypocrisy at its best
Obi Egbuna Jr. – Get Out of Cuba’s Way Campaign
Gloria La Riva – Will speak on Cuba’s achievements dealing with the pandemic as well as the continued attempts from the U.S. at subversion and regime change
David Paul – Will speak to the history, scope and effects of the U.S. blockade on the people of Cuba
Washington’s war on Cuba has intensified in recent months, seizing on additional hardships created by the pandemic and the effects of a tightening six-decade blockade imposed upon the island.
U.S. media narratives along with political figures activated to carry out the push towards regime change seek to confuse, divide and weaken solidarity coming from the people of the United States towards Cuba and its revolution.
It’s more important than ever to combat these falsehoods, call out the hypocrisy of criticism by the U.S. and shed light on the reality of Cuba and its powerful example that should be defended.