From Our Hearts To Cuba!

Join the Saving Lives Campaign as we “Help send life-saving Pacemakers to Cuba!” This campaign has two goals: First, to fundraise for $150,000 towards an initial [...]

March 16, 2023: Teach-in on Cuba!

Session 1: The Cuban Women’s Movement and Ending the U.S. Blockade on Cuba Click Here To Watch Session 1! Session 2: The US and Canadian Labor Movements and US-Cuba [...]

October 6, 2023: Let Cuba Live

LET CUBA LIVE Make October 6 International Day Against Terrorism! Click Here To Register! Friday October 6 5pm Pacific / 8pm Eastern Organized by: Canadian Network on [...]

Let Cuba Live Campaign

Join the urgent call to take Cuba off the State Sponsors of Terrorism list & end the US blockade on the island! Click Here To Sign The [...]
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