January 15:Report Back From The 27th Che Guevara Brigade to Cuba!

We Went to Cuba with the Che Guevara Volunteer Work Brigade…
Saturday January 15
5pm PT / 6pm MT / 7pm CT / 8pm ET / 9pm AT
REGISTER at: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_F-SlpCXrSkuQuSWD-r0eTA
The 27th Che Guevara Volunteer Work Brigade travelled to Cuba from November 20 to December 4, for the first time since the Covid-19 pandemic and right after Cuba reopened borders to tourists. Brigadistas volunteered in community development projects, visited schools and hospitals, met with organizations including Cuba’s women’s federation and LGBTQ community, and joined Cubans on the street marching in defense of their revolution. Join brigadistas as they reflect on their experiences in revolutionary Cuba, and learn how you can join the next Che Guevara Brigade to Cuba too!
The evening will feature:>> First-hand accounts from brigadistas recently returned from Cuba!
>> IRAM POYEAUX VAZQUEZ – North America Division of the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the People’s (ICAP) and ICAP representative with the 27th Che Guevara Brigade
>> CLAUDIA PERALTA – Organizer with the Calixto Garcia Brigade which also recently travelled to Cuba, Coordinator of the Canadian-Cuban Friendship Association – Calgary, Che Brigade Committee member.
>> JANINE SOLANKI – National Coordinator of the Che Guevara Brigade
>> Music from OBSESION, pioneers of Afro-Cuban Hip Hop!
Register via Zoom at: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_F-SlpCXrSkuQuSWD-r0eTA
“27th Ernesto Che Guevara Volunteer Work Brigade, bonds of love and solidarity”
Published by the Embassy of Cuba in Canada
English: http://misiones.minrex.gob.cu/en/articulo/27th-ernesto-che-guevara-volunteer-work-brigade-bonds-love-and-solidarity
Spanish: http://misiones.minrex.gob.cu/es/articulo/27a-brigada-de-trabajo-voluntario-ernesto-che-guevara-lazos-de-amor-y-solidaridad
Want to join the Che Guevara Brigade?
The Che Guevara Brigade will be back in Cuba from April 27 – May 10 for the 28th Che Brigade! We will be visiting Havana and Santa Clara, and participating in Cuba’s International Workers Day parade on May 1 and the International Solidarity Conference on May 2!
Who can join?
This Volunteer Work Brigade is open to everyone of all physical abilities and ages. We have had Brigadistas from 7 to 86 years old! We are a brigade from Canada but we welcome travellers joining from other countries too. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we will require brigadistas to be vaccinated against Covid-19, unless with medical exemption.
Ready to join?
We invite you to register online for the Che Guevara Brigade:
28th Che Brigade – Apr 27 – May 10, 2022 – https://tinyurl.com/xzhnspy8
For info on the Che Guevara Volunteer Work Brigade to Cuba or to register visit www.canadiannetworkoncuba.ca/brigade or contact Janine Solanki – Che Brigade national coordinator at chevolbrigade@gmail.com or 778-881-6156.
You can also follow on Facebook and Twitter @CheVolBrigade or on Instagram @cdnntwrkoncuba
Organized by the Che Guevara Brigade Committee of the Canadian Network on Cuba (CNC)
The Che Guevara Brigade is a project of the Canadian Network on Cuba, a network of Cuba solidarity organizations across Canada promoting friendship and solidarity with Cuba and the Cuban people.