April 16, 2023: End the blockade of Cuba! Is your bank participating in the illegal US blockade?

Online Meeting:
Sunday April 16th
10am Vancouver Time/ 1pm Havana Time/ 6pm London Time
Register Here:
Traducción en inglés y español.
Translation provided in English & Spanish.
End the blockade of Cuba! Is your bank participating in the illegal US blockade?
Guest speakers from Cuba: Professor Hassan Pérez Casabona, Historian at the Centre of Hemispheric and United States studies at the University of Havana.
Dagma Garcia scientist from the Finlay Institute who led the team developing Cuba’s renowned Soberana Covid 19 vaccine
Now more than ever we need to fight the illegal US blockade against Cuba. For over 60 years, the blockade, a set of unilateral coercive measures, has been suffocating the island – designed, in the words of US deputy assistant Lestor Mallory, ‘to bring about hunger, desperation and the overthrow of government’.
The 1 cent 4 Cuba campaign is a new initiative coordinating between solidarity groups across Europe and Canada, aiming to ‘make the US blockade of Cuba unenforceable’ – combining consumer rights as banking customers with street protests and publicity stunts. On the anniversary of the failed ‘Bay of Pigs’ mercenary invasion of Cuba, this meeting will hear from important Cuban speakers about the impacts of the blockade today. We aim to bring new groups and individuals from many countries together to grow the 1c4cuba initiative.